Hip Hop Classics In The Mix - Mixed by DJ Revolution

This one sells itself. Classic Hip Hop joints (mostly 80's era, with some 90's sprinkled in) mixed by one of the best in the game.

Hip Hop Classics In The Mix - Mixed by DJ Revolution (zshare download)


Olskool4real said...

What's up Pipo long time no hear on my part hgh!! Well I've been around and checking out the site just havent' commented since I haven't gotten the chance to check out much!! I did listen to this joint though and it was as you say!! He started out displaying one skill then went into another at first I wasn't sure if that was an intro or the way the whole tape was going to go!! But yeah it was done in the DJ Revolution fashion pretty complete and covering a whole lot of territory!! Nice post!!

pipomixes said...

Great to hear from O4R. Glad you enjoyed the mix