The Birth of L.A. Beat Scene as Told by Kutmah

Worthwhile interview of Kutmah covering the history of the L.A. "Beat Scene" before Low End Theory etc... Interestingly, Kutmah's L.A. deejay history is almost identical to the deejay career of yours truly. Same clubs, same time period, same everything (even firing dates). I guess Kutmah and myself were pretty much deejaying the same spots but on different nights (I had no idea). Recommended reading for all those interested in the L.A. Beat Scene. Read article HERE.


pipomixes said...

How come you never mentioned, over the years I've been on here, that you dj'd spots?

pipomixes said...

Pipo hides his identity because he's a teacher.

pipomixes said...

I've mentioned it a few times over the years. The irony is that I had no skills when I had gigs, and have no gigs now that I have skills (not that I'm really looking).

pipomixes said...

i'm aware Nord. Where have you been hiding?!?! haven't seen you post on here in a loooooong time! You still have your mixtape blog?

pipomixes said...

i'm still waiting for you to do a live set via USTREAM, lol.. just hide the face...

pipomixes said...

Hey Rudy. I've been hiding right here on Pipo's blog! If you're wondering about Dirt Castle... that's in the dirt. RIP. But 500 Mixes is still going strong. Pipo and I have a contest to see who can keep going the longest. So far, we're tied.

pipomixes said...

I've been hiding right here on Pipo's blog! If you're wondering about Dirt Castle... that's in the dirt. RIP. But 500 Mixes is still going strong. Pipo and I have a contest to see who can keep going the longest. So far, we're tied.

pipomixes said...

Technically, you're winning because you started a little before I did ;)

pipomixes said...

One day, hopefully. However, it will probably be a 15-20 minute broadcast given my current life circumstances

pipomixes said...

nice behind the scenes story about the LA beat scene. gotta make it down to Low End Theory one of these days...
hey didn't you post some info about some DVD? documentaries about the LA beats scene? can you re-post some links sometime? thanks!

pipomixes said...

Looking for a perfect beat

Not beat, not a scene

pipomixes said...

thanks for continually introducing us to some dope mixes, interviews, and all that good stuff!!