Mista Sinista & Rob Swift (X-Ecutioners) with Impassioned Speech and Live Set

The action doesn't begin until the 5:50 mark.  However, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you listen to Rob Swift speak before he and Mista Sinista start doing their thing.  This thing of ours is dying.  I see it every day as I continue to try to bring all of you fresh mixes and videos.  There simply is less material to weed through.  As for me, I'm not going anywhere.  Two turntables, a mixer, and records are the only "instruments" I know.  I know no other way of expressing myself.  I consider myself pretty damn good at my craft; and I have no intentions of starting from scratch to learn something else.  As long as there are quality mixes to post; I'll continue posting them.  As long as I find inspiration; I'll continue to make mixtapes.  I suggest you all do the same.  There really isn't a generation behind us to pass the torch to.  Mix until the lights go out.

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