One of these days I'm going to make a Large Pro tribute mix because dude is too often forgotten when the great producers of 90's hip hop are discussed. Not to mention, Large Pro was sporting the polo preppy look before Kanye West even owned a sampler. The below LP interview isn't the most thorough that I have scene, but it's worth seeing because you can see his home studio and record collection.
Don't sleep on the Mad Scientist
You heard the new Large Pro "Main Source 2008" album??? It took a second listen, but I'm feelin' it. Wasn't what I was expecting at first, but I like it way more than that new GZA.
Still haven't heard it, but I liked all the instrumental albums LP dropped over the last few years. I'll give Main Source a listen based on your rec.
Happy Labor Day!
He should have gone back to just using a SP 1200. I don't know, man. Everything nowadays just sounds so clean. I mean I like some of it but I miss that raw stuff..
I heard it a while back but need to give it a second listen!!There was one song that i was feeling the rest kind of bored me but again let me check it out again!!LP is one of my favorite producers of that era his solo shots are a little too bare!!Breking AToms was legendary and if he can't get there then oh well!!Honestly he hasn't came any where close!!!
Of course when you make a classic album like Breaking Atoms anything else you do is gona be second rate, but i think all his albums are fuckin DOPE!
Thank u Large Pro.......
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