Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Death

I'm new to the blogosphere, so forgive me if I'm as redundant as an ESPN highlight at 3:30am. I have started this blog because I figure it is the best way to archive my mixes and videos and broadcast them to the masses. Many of you found your way to this blog via various other web sites where BlendingNation mixes are found. If that is you, thank you for the extra left click. Expect more mixes by yours truly accompanied with the posting of various mixes that I've found inspiring. In addition to the musical wonderfulness, expect the occasional rant (it is a blog after all). Hopefully the rants will appease all the old school fans who still continue to email me asking for an update to Pipo's Soapbox.

Below is a schedule of events and features coming to a blog near you (this one).

February 10 - In unison with the 2 year anniversary of J. Dilla's passing, will officially launch with a brand new "Dillamix."

Youtube Tuesday - Each Tuesday we'll take a look back at a classic video

Mix Me Up Thursday - Each Thursday a new mix will be posted for your listening pleasure (submissions welcome)

Monday through Sunday - Random Rants, Album/Movie/Concert/T.V. show reviews, and Music news commentary

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Anonymous said...

I'm looking for to the YouTube Tuesdays, keep us posted on when this will be begining.

pipomixes said...

Youtube Tuesday will officially begin this coming Tuesday