Video: New Jay-Z Song at Kanye West NYC Show

BLUEPRINT 3 from kwest on Vimeo.
** I know I'm late on this one, but you will have to forgive me because I've been out of the country for the last week. **
Two thoughts come to mind when I watch this video: 1. If Blueprint 3 sounds as good as this song I will be a very happy man. 2. No matter how big Kanye gets, it is very clear who big brother is after watching this video.


Unknown said...

You say you've been out of the "country" mean the U.S.A. ???...Well, this "country" is doomed by traitors..Our Constitution is being eroded and the North American Union is just on the horizon...then it's you know what from there...Regarding Jay-Z and Kanye...these two clowns are in on the killtake...I don't support these egotistical, narcisistic, freemason wannabe clowns....Just had to comment on that....Aiight Peace

pipomixes said...

Yeah, I was out of the U.S. visiting Peru (machu picchu).

Since we are all ranting here, I'd like to send a big f*ck you to LAX. LAX has got to be the most horrible airport in the world (at least, the country). It took 2 1/2 hours from the time my plane arrived to the time I walked out the terminal with my luggage. There is nothing like standing at an empty luggage carousel at 2am waiting for your luggage to come out (after 12 hours of flying, no less).

Jason @ PSB said...

Out of the country? That explains how your comment on my blog came from South America! LOL, I'm a Sitemete nerd, I love that shii. Anyways, glad to find you finally got your luggage, you could still be waiting.

And Matt, to quote Pearl Jam, "it's evolution baby!" Just sit back and watch, or move to Canada - no, or Europe - no, or wherever you think you'll be safe.

Unknown said...

yeah I know...evolution...i don't plan to go anywhere...i plan to stay right here in the USA where I was born and fight the traitors...
by simply informing as many people as possible that may still be in the dark and spreading Love Baby...AIIGHT

Jason @ PSB said...

That's cool Matt. Glad to know where you stand. Serious question: Who are you voting for in the coming election? I'm curious.

Ps. I'm still undecided.

Unknown said...

Constitution Party....check out this link....