The Recall - Mixed by DJ Spinna

I'm listening to this for the first time as I type. All I can say is that I'm smiling ear to ear. The track selection (all Spinna beats) is impeccable, and the mixing is as smooth as silk.

The Recall - Mixed by DJ Spinna (zshare download)


Bowls said...

I downloaded the tracked version yesterday and deleted it because I didn't want any gaps inbetween songs....

Then, of course, Pipomixes comes to the rescue in 24 hours with the single track version.

Many thanks. I can bet that this is straight fire.

pipomixes said...

Thanks for the appreciation. I've never understood why mixtapes are tracked. If you need to skip around on a mix, then you probably don't need to be listening to that mix. It's like jumping around from scene to scene in a movie, they're meant to be viewed from beginning to end. If you can't watch it from beginning to end, it's probably not good enough to watch.

omega said...

that't the truth pipo and I got a mix for you that I had the same proble with but I fixed it!

downrap said...