pipo ive been without the internet for over the last 3 weeks and im just being able to catch up on the blog, i guess thats the only benifit of starting school again which im sure you're looking forward to. anyway, i was wondering if you could dig up some exotic mixes and post one or two, ive been going through dj nuts mixes like condoms on a honeymoon except ive been reusing them. that was a poor analogy. anyway, something along the lines of that, the hubert davis romanian mix you posted and the polish funk vol. 3 by papa zura would be amazing, i just found the first two volumes of that and theyre great. anyway, ive yet to download a mix from you and not enjoy, so keep it up and thanks your role as the blogfather is appreciated
pipo ive been without the internet for over the last 3 weeks and im just being able to catch up on the blog, i guess thats the only benifit of starting school again which im sure you're looking forward to. anyway, i was wondering if you could dig up some exotic mixes and post one or two, ive been going through dj nuts mixes like condoms on a honeymoon except ive been reusing them. that was a poor analogy. anyway, something along the lines of that, the hubert davis romanian mix you posted and the polish funk vol. 3 by papa zura
would be amazing, i just found the first two volumes of that and theyre great. anyway, ive yet to download a mix from you and not enjoy, so keep it up and thanks your role as the blogfather is appreciated
I'll do my best. However, keep in mind that many of those exotic mixes are exactly that, exotic.
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