Serato Unscripted: J.Rocc on LA radio, Mixtapes, Dilla and more

Before I get snarky, let me say that there are all sorts of nerdy tidbits (like the backstory to Sound Bombing 2) in this interview that you all will enjoy.  However, one would think an 80 minute interview with J. Rocc would have way more uncharted information than what you'll get here.  IMO All of the blame goes to the guy asking the questions.  I assume the interviewer is somebody important at Serato, but he's clearly what you would have called a "poser" in the 80's.  Dude knows enough to act like he knows what J. Rocc was talking about; but not enough to actually ask the appropriate follow-up questions to really dig into many of the topics raised.  Though worth a watch/listen; most music nerds (which is the target audience of an interview like this) will find this interview very unsatisfying (in my Teddy KGB voice).  Oh well, opportunity missed. Damn culture vultures...

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