45 Live Radio Show pt. 96 with guest DJ BOCA 45

Boca 45 stuns us with another funkin' lesson in decknology, throwing everything including the kitchen sink at this CUT & SHUT mix. It's a tour de force of what makes this DJ one of the mightiest hard rockers of the party platters, walking God's green earth. Your host takes a spotlight on the marvelous STAR CREATURE label. Tune in as we broadcast on the mighty dublab.com at 8pm US PDT (4am UK GMT), to celebrate the 45 rpm single like no other....joining the dots one lil' disc at a time.
It's a hop over the Channel as we invite the European Golden State Warrior to the audio fray;
1st November 2019 - DJ SUSPECT
Check out our full roster at; http://45live.net/
Please follow us on facebook & check out itunes for the download!

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