You can either stream this mix via zshare, or you can download the mix through the Do-Over link. Please, no more complaints about zshare or any other site. In case you haven't noticed, I use limelinx for mixes 100mb and below, and I use zshare for mixes over 100mb. There are countless blogs where you can download mixes, most of you probably come to this one because you know that I post the mixes on filesharing sites where you can stream the mix before downloading. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of sites that allow streaming music with unlimited downloads. So unless you all want to start paying for mixes, I suggest that we all learn to be patient with the options we have.
Live Do-Over Mix - Mixed by DJ A-Trak (download)
Sendspace link
Ok cranky pants
I'm curious what people are complaining about? I download probly half of what you post, & I've never had a problem. What's wrong with Zshare?
Since the Z share disaster of 2008 Z share has been pretty consistent especially within the past year or so.
I never had a problem with links from 2009 or 2010.
Fuck the haters Pipo! Just keep doing what you doing... I'm sure the vast majority of us appreciate what you do. The complainers can all go to hell.
Thank you for the all the Mixes u Post!!
Ya the haters complaining should not even be on this site...this shit is for the real heads....all the mixes you post are easy to download and all that shit....peace..CA....ALL DAY!!!!
yeah, pipo, f*ck the haters!!!
i appreciate what u do here, infact, i like it so much i'd let you f*ck my doody-hole. word up, str8 suge knight stylee. word son. just fill my holes pipo. PIPO FILL MY HOOOLES! FILL THEM, FIIIIIILL THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya, zShare definitely came correct after the 2008 fiasco.
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